The "one-stop shop for wellness". Dr. Ruland is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM Personal Trainer, Homeopath, Functional Medicine Specialist, Holistic Bodyworker, Yogi, Crossfitter
Dr. Ruland
Many Naturopathic Doctors decide to practice as general practitioners. During their medical education, it is difficult to add specialty studies to the rigorous 30 credit quater courseload already required. Eventually, specialties arise based on the population treated. Naturopaths have many treatment modalities to choose from, it is best that one combines treatments to complete a holistic medical treatment program for each patient.
Dr. Celeste Ruland knew as a child the benefits of Homeopathy. She had been treated by her family homeopath, Dr. Joel Kreisberg, for both acute and chronic illnesses she experienced in her childhood. [Thankfully these were few and far between because of her prevention-focused natural lifestyle, following in her parents' footsteps.] The ease, individual approach, and profound successful impacts a single remedy can do and maintain for months to years was mesmorizing to Celeste. Her scientific intellect and detective-like mind yearned to learn more about the science, philosophy, and treatment of Homeopathy.
One reason Celeste chose to attend NCNM over the other 3(at that time) accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools was for its reputation for its Homeopathic education and Clinical Course work. NCNM offered a Homeopathic certification program. Under the direction of a world-renowned Medical Doctor and Homeopath, Dr. Will Taylor, MD, Celeste earned a certificate in Homeopathy from NCNM. To achieve this, one has to complete the full nine (9) sequential homeopathic medical courses (only 3 are required to graduate as a Naturopathic Doctor without a certificate in homeopathy), attend at least 1 year in the Homeopathic clinic rotation serving the general Portland, Oregon population, write a thesis paper on a homeopathic topic as well as the required Naturopathic Medical thesis or case paper, and attend at least 2 homeopathic seminars outside of NCNM. Celeste went above and beyond these requirements and spent 6 weeks in a Homeopathic Medical hospital in a little village outside of Mumbai, India attending clinic shifts 5 days a week and private 5-person lectures with 10 separate Indian Homeopaths 6 days a week including Rajan Sankaran. Here she lived in the resident dormatories with 5 other students from around the world attending this summer course with the Indian enrolled students at the Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. This was the highlight of her Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medical training for so many reasons. One main reason she is so passionate about homeopathy is because of the cures for illnesses she first-hand witnessed during those 6 weeks. A few of these cases included vitiligo, renal lithiasis (kidney stones), broken bones, Tuberculosis, Malaria, immune disturbances, emotional/mental breakdowns, common colds and influenzas, leprosy, pharyngitis, as well other physical, mental, and physiological illnesses claimed "incurable or undiagnosable" by the allopathic medical field.
While practicing homeopathy, Celeste has witnessed patients improve dramatically from both debilitating chronic diseases as well as acute illnesses. Her most dramatic successful personal patient cases include a female with a 10 year history of severe psoriatic arthritis, a fractured clavicular bone, a 4 year old child with unknown fever, multiple sclerosis, acne, night terrors, fibromyalgia and myasthenia gravis, to name a few.
Please contact Dr. Ruland with questions about Homeopathy or Naturopathy. I understand how confusing this modality may be, partly because of its low popularity in America compared to the rest of the world, yet she strives to educate all interested.
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