Naturopathic Modalities

Naturopathic Medical Modalities

Homeopathic Medicine:
Homeopathic medicine is based on the principle of “like cures like.” Clinical observation indicates that it works on a subtle, yet powerful, energetic level, gently acting to promote healing on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Botanical Medicine:
Many plant substances are powerful medicines. Where isolated chemically derived drugs may address only a single problem, botanical medicines are able to address a variety of problems simultaneously. When properly utilized, most botanical medicines can be applied effectively with minimal likelihood of side effects.

Clinical Nutrition:
Food is the best medicine and is a cornerstone of naturopathic practice. Many medical conditions can be treated more effectively with foods and nutritional supplements than they can by other means, with fewer complications and side effects. N.D.s use diet, natural hygiene, fasting, and nutritional supplementation in their practices.

Orthomolecular Medicine:
When vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are difficult to absorb, are depleted, or are not being ingested in sufficient amounts by dietary habits, these can be replaced using supplementation with only the highest medical grade of potency, purity, efficacy and humanitarian comanies ordered through Dr. Ruland, companies she has accounts with, and/or other licensed Naturopathic Doctors.

Lifestyle Counseling/Stress Management:
Mental attitudes and emotional states may influence, or even cause, physical illness. Counseling, nutritional balancing, stress management, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, and other therapies are used to help patients heal psychologically.

Physical Medicine:
Naturopathic medicine has its own methods of therapeutic manipulation of soft tissue, muscles, bones, and spine. N.D.s also use ultrasound, diathermy, exercise, massage, water, heat and cold, and gentle electrical therapies.
Dr. Celeste Ruland treats many of her patients with Naturopathic Bodywork, similar to deep tissue massage.

*Currently, in about 35 of the United States, Naturopathic Doctors are not licensed to provide the following procedures and treatments; however we are fully qualified to do so in the future if state laws change:

Minor Surgery:
Naturopathic physicians do in-office minor surgery, including repair of superficial wounds and removal of foreign bodies, cysts, and superficial lesions.

I.V. Therapy:
a.k.a.: "liquid nutrition". Dr. Ruland has an extra certification in Intravenous therapy which enables her to provide her patients with the advantage of "liquid nutrition" without the side effects of passing through the digestive system. I.V. therapy ranges from vitamins to minerals to chelation compounds. I.V. therapy has so many advantages, please ask Dr. Ruland about how this can specifically be used for your healthcare.

Certain physical exams including female annual health screening, PAP smears, blood collection and testing, microscopic examination, superficial biopsies.

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